Hi I'm Kat, coffee and spreadsheet lover, helping you track business finances from day one and avoid red-flags in the coaching industry.

I’ll be the first to say that it doesn’t seem fun or glamorous tracking business finances, especially in the beginning. I avoided it for a long time and that led to untracked debt and several tough lessons that I'm hopeful I can help you avoid.

It's really easy to get side-tracked by boss babe quotes and convince yourself that you don’t need to pay attention to your finances - just sign up for multiple courses from coaches promising that they can bring you from $0-$8K months and beyond. "Manifest it". There are several coaches who share their rags to riches stories that give us a false sense of security, coaches who were over $100K in debt when they started their business and were able to get out of debt and buy nice houses on the beach. None of this is a guarantee just because you purchase their program.

In the early stages of launching my nutrition coaching business, I was drinking up all of the boss babe quotes and signed up for several programs that promised grandiose outcomes. I signed up without even knowing exactly what the curriculum was because I just “felt called” to sign up (more like pressured to provide my credit card details while we were on the sales call). If I were to start all over again, I would have kept track weekly from the very beginning.

So, here I am to help you set yourself up from the beginning and hopefully avoid sinking in debt.

Let's get tracking!

Kat Feeney