Coffee & Spreadsheets Blog

I Am Not An Expert; Real, Raw, Unfiltered
I've never been one to be claim that I am an expert of anything. I feel called to write about this as it is something that is very common in...
I Am Not An Expert; Real, Raw, Unfiltered
I've never been one to be claim that I am an expert of anything. I feel called to write about this as it is something that is very common in...

Breaking Free of Judgement to Succeed as an Ent...
Growing up I always felt drawn to things being right or wrong. I enjoyed math & science for this reason. Nothing could be judged. I either got the answer right...
Breaking Free of Judgement to Succeed as an Ent...
Growing up I always felt drawn to things being right or wrong. I enjoyed math & science for this reason. Nothing could be judged. I either got the answer right...

Here I am. All of me.
Maybe the world needs the story and learnings from exactly where we're at. Not the dream. Not the BIG vision. Yes, I have a dream. I have a vision. And...
Here I am. All of me.
Maybe the world needs the story and learnings from exactly where we're at. Not the dream. Not the BIG vision. Yes, I have a dream. I have a vision. And...

What if my launch flops?
Is it possible that you are holding back launching that course and scaling your offers because you are worried that no one will buy? Or worse, only one person will...
What if my launch flops?
Is it possible that you are holding back launching that course and scaling your offers because you are worried that no one will buy? Or worse, only one person will...

You are not my competition.
I am not in competition with anyone. Not even myself. It’s not me against me. I’m not here to be better today than I was yesterday. I am here to...
You are not my competition.
I am not in competition with anyone. Not even myself. It’s not me against me. I’m not here to be better today than I was yesterday. I am here to...

Creating a Life You Love
Creating a life you love doesn’t mean a life free from pain, but perhaps less. It doesn’t mean a perfect life with a perfect house and a perfect job and...
Creating a Life You Love
Creating a life you love doesn’t mean a life free from pain, but perhaps less. It doesn’t mean a perfect life with a perfect house and a perfect job and...